Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jael's moment in history - Wed. devo

Read Judges 4
Once again Israel has sinned and is turned over to an enemy, the king of Hazor who had been oppressing Israel for 20 years. His name is Jabin which means intelligent, discerning, understanding. His army commander is Sisera who had 900 iron chariots. Pretty impressive being that Israel had none.
Deborah was a prophetess and a judge in Israel at the time for Israel. She lived in Ephraim. Her name means "a bee." She called Barak out to lead 10,000 men from Naptali and Zebulun. Barak means "a bright flashing sword. Naptali and Zebulun mean "abiding" and "wrestling".
Deborah is going to draw Sisera to the river Kishon which means "to set a trap". And deliver them to his hands. Barak agrees to go and Deborah tells him that this battle is not for his honor because God is going to sell Siseral into the hand of a woman. How humiliating for Sisera - to die at the hand of a woman.
Judges 4 11-24
Heber - a sorcerer from the descendant of Cain, had severed himself from his own people and was living out by himself. He showed Sisera where Barak was so Sisera went after him. Deborah told Barak that this was the day God had delivered Sisera into your hands so Barak went down and fought. God troubled, vexed, disturbed, Sisera and all his chariots so that Sisera got off his chariot and ran. Barak chased and killed all of Sisera's men. But Sisera went to the tent of Jael. Her people were on his side. Jael means "to be valuable and useful". She covered him with a mat to hide him and gave him some milk. He told her to stand watch while he slept. She took a tent nail and a hammer and drove the nail into his temples all the way to the ground.
When Barak came looking for Sisera, she showed him. (Read the last vs. 24) We keep fighting our enemies till they are gone.
Our enemy is alway intelligent. We fight him with the sword of the spirit which comes from abiding and wrestling with God. Deborah stands for a member of the body. We are part of an intricate society called the Body of Christ where everyone knows their part. Deborah knew her part and did it. Everything happened just as God had told her it would. Barak was just a fighter, doing his part. He didn't quit when he found out a girl was going to get the glory for killing Sisera. He did what his part was. He fought the battle. Jael was on the enemies's side. She fought from there. She was strategically to do her job. God has people in the enemies' camp. There were Christian soldiers in the Nazi prison camps that helped the Jews. God has his people everywhere. There are also Satan's people planted in Christian churches, organizations, etc. Jesus said not to try to weed them out but to wait till the harvest and let God separated the wheat from the tares.

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