Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thurs.’s Devo - God’s Secrets Revealed

Read: Jeremiah 33:1-34:22; 1 Timothy 4:1-16; Psalm 89:1-13; Proverbs 25:23-24 Jeremiah was still in prison when God told him to ask Him and he would tell him remarkable secrets about what was to come. The people had torn down their houses to strengthen their walls against the siege ramps the Babylonians built. They expected to fight the Babylonians but God said they were as good as dead. They would not prevail against Babylon. This was their fault because they had abandoned the Lord and worshiped evil instead. *** In the future, God would heal them and prosper them. They would live in true peace. God would cleanse them from their sins and forgive all their rebellion. This city would one day bring the Lord joy, glory and honor before all the nations of the earth. Their desolate towns would be filled with sounds of joy and laughter. They would bring offerings to the Lord with songs of God’s goodness. David would have a descendant sitting on the throne forever. The Levites would also have the promise of ministering before the Lord forever. *** The people were saying that the Lord chose Judah and Israel and then abandoned them. But the Lord said, he would never abandon his people or change his plan for them to rule in their land. *** The king Nebuchadnezzar returned to continue the siege against Jerusalem. God told Jeremiah to go to King Zedekiah and tell him that the Lord was going to hand the city over to the king of Babylon and he would burn it down. Zedekiah would not escape but be taken to meet Nebuchadnezzar face to face. He would not be killed but die peacefully and be mourned by his people. *** King Zedekiah had set the Hebrew slaves free from their masters and had made a covenant with God to allow them freedom after six years like the law said. After a while had allowed them to enslave them again. God was not happy about that and told him that since he broke his covenant with Him, God would break his covenant with Zedekiah. God would make him an object of horror to all the nations of the earth. Zedekiah and all his officials would be killed by their enemies and their bodies would be food for the vultures and wild animals. God would make sure all the towns of Judah were destroyed, with no one living there. *** Paul explains how it will be in our day. People will become deceived by teachings that come from demons. These teachers are hypocrites and liars and have no conscience. They will teach that it is wrong to marry or eat certain foods. Instead of listening to their rules, train yourselves in righteousness. Teach yourself to be godly. A life of godliness promises benefits in this life and in the life to come. *** Paul admonished Timothy to not neglect the spiritual gift God had given him when the elders laid his hands on him and prophesied. *** We all have spiritual gifts that we have been given by God. God wants us to develop them by putting them to use. *** Lord, may we step out in faith and use the gifts you have given us. May we not be deceived by teachings that come from demons.

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