Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thurs.’s Devo - Babylon is Fallen

Read: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46; Titus 1:1-16; Psalm 97:1-98:9; Proverbs 26:13-16 Jeremiah picked up his roll call on the ones on God’s list of destruction. Damascus was next. They fainted in fear just hearing what was coming. They were defeated before the battle began. They were killed and their walls burned down by the enemy. *** Next was Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor. These people were descendants of Ishmael who lived in black-haired tents which symbolized their total separation from God. Kedar means “darkness”. Hazor would be destroyed forever. *** Elam was next on the list. It would be shattered by God via Babylon. But God would restore Elam one day. *** Now it is time to turn on the one God used to destroy the other nations and destroy it. This is Babylon. Babylon means “confusion”. God would use the Cyrus to do this in 538 B.C. *** Jeremiah was to tell the whole world that Babylon was going to fall. The most powerful nation on the earth would one day be a wasteland. It was unfathomable. God’s people would return to their homeland weeping and seeking the Lord. They will bind themselves to the Lord with an eternal covenant that will never be forgotten. *** God unleashes his army against Babylon to completely destroy her and leave nothing standing. What she had done to others would be done to her. Her wise counselors would become fool, her mightiest warriors would be seized with panic. Her allies from other lands would become like women in fear. All her treasures would be plundered and her water supply would be dried up. Their ability to access the dark powers would be dried up. *** God would chase the Babylonians from their land and appoint His leader who is like Him. This was Cyrus. *** Paul came with a new message the people had never heard. This message was that all the people of the earth was offered salvation through Christ Jesus. *** Paul wrote this letter to Titus who he had left on the island of Crete to complete the work that Paul started. They were to elect elders to watch over the people and Paul gave him the qualifications of the elders. Along with a list of qualities he summed them up with he must love what is good and live wisely and be just in his dealings. He must live a disciplined life himself and be the same at home as he is in the church. *** He warned Titus against people who taught religion and laws to get to God. They led to believing in myths and other lies. Their lives would testify to their hearts; they would know them by their fruits. *** Lord, may our fruits testify to our faith in you. Let your glory shine on the earth through your true people who love you with their whole hearts.

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