Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wed.’s Devo- Light

Read: Deuteronomy 28:1-68; Luke 11:14-36; Psalm 77:1-20; Proverbs 12:18 Deuteronomy 28 is the list of the blessings and the curses. When you read them you wonder how anyone would choose to turn away from such a loving God who only wants good things for us. When I read it, it is a litmus test to where our nation has ended up because of the way we have gone. A nation will be judged by its leadership but we will all be judged individually by our own choices. God gives a nation the leaders they need to lead them to him. If the leadership is bad which America’s has been mostly bad, then the people will spiral down the same hole. God’s people will eventually rise like they are doing now and pray and get involved. God is trying to get our attention so that we would cry out to him so change can happen. *** I believe that is what is happening now and we are seeing change coming. We have a long way to go because so much needs fixing, but God can do things very quickly when he decides to. *** In Luke, Jesus cast out a demon from a man who couldn’t speak. Some in the crowd said it was beause Jesus was working for Satan. Jesus answered them that Satan wouldn’t fight against himself. If he did, then his kingdom wouldn’t survive. But if He is casting out demons by the power of God, then God’s kingdom has arrived and it is more powerful than Satan’s. *** Then he explained that when an evil spirit leaves someone it will return with seven other spirits more evil than itself and enter the man. Then his state is worse off than before. That is not very encouraging. Jesus said that the demon will find that demon’s home in the person swept and in order. That means empty. The key to keeping your deliverance is to fill your house with scripture, worship of God and the Holy Spirit. If it came back and found the house filled with God’s spirit, it would not be welcomed to return. *** The religious leaders kept asking Jesus for a sign that he was the Messiah. He had given them so many signs it was impossible to miss. But, since they did miss them, Jesus said the only sign they would get was the sign of Jonah. When Jonah resurrected on that shore, he was a sign to all of Nineveh the God had come to them. *** Jesus explained that they all had a spiritual eye and when that eye was filled with light, they could see plainly. He warned them to make sure the light they thought they had was not really darkness. If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant and your whole life filled with light. *** Lord, may we choose the blessings of obeying you and your Word. May we be a light set on a hill, giving light to the whole city.

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