Saturday, April 1, 2023

Sat.’s Devo-God’s Kingdom Rules

Read: Deuteronomy 18:1-20:20; Luke 9:28-50; Psalm 73:1-28; Proverbs 12:10 God designated what part of the first fruits given to the Lord would be given to the priests and Levites. The tribe of Levi was not given any land in the promised land because the Lord himself was their special possession. *** They were warned not to imitate any of the detestable customs of the nations living there like sacrificing their sons or daughters as burnt offerings. They were not to practice fortune-telling, sorcery, interpreting omens or casting spells, or functioning as mediums or psychics or calling forth the spirits of the dead. These are the things that the previous dwellers all did and it was abominable to the Lord. *** God would raise up a prophet like Moses to put his words in his mouth. He will tell the people what God says. Any prophet that speaks by another god must die. If a prophet’s prophecy comes true, he is a real prophet. They were told to set up three cities of refuge for the person who accidentally kills someone and didn’t have witnesses. As they conquered more land and grew, they would set up more cities of refuge. *** Murder must be dealt with. Israel was to be purged of all who murdered innocent people; then all would go well with them. *** The accuser and the accused were to come before the priests and the judges and present their case. The judges would investigate the case thoroughly and if they found that the accuser lied, then what he had intended for the one he accused would be his punishment. The law of the land was life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. *** When they went to war and found that their enemies way out numbered them, they were not to be afraid. The Lord was with them. The priests were to meet with the troops to encourage them in the Lord and tell them that the Lord was with them and He would bring them victory. Then, their officer would ask them if anyone had any unfinished things they needed to attend to at home. They were free to go. Next, he would ask if there was anyone who was afraid, he was free to leave so he wouldn’t affect the others with his fear. *** The army would approach their enemies and first offer terms of peace. If they accepted it, they would be Israel’s slaves. If not, then they must attack the town and kill all but the women and children. If they were cities of the seven people God told them to utterly destroy, then they were to kill all. *** If the war extended for a long time, they were not to cut down fruit trees for battering rams or siege work. They were only to cut down trees that didn’t bear fruit. (Remember trees represented people.) Jesus said that every tree was known by his own fruit. (Luke 6:43-44) In John, he said that every branch in him that didn’t bear fruit was to be taken away and purged so that it will bear fruit. (John 15:2). *** Eight days after Jesus had told his disciples the plan of his death, he took Peter, John and James up to see a picture of his resurrection. They saw Jesus transfigured into his glorious body along with Moses and Elijah. Peter blurted out that they should make memorials for them when a voice from heaven said, “this is my Son, my Chosen one, Listen to him.” When it had stopped, there was just Jesus. *** The next day, the man came to Jesus with his son who the disciples couldn’t deliver. Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and healed the boy. The people were amazed. But, Jesus saw something different. He told his disciples that he would be betrayed into the hands of enemies. Instead of asking further, the disciples argued about who would be the greatest in Jesus’ kingdom. Jesus brought a child before them and told them that anyone who welcomed a little child like this on his behalf welcomes him. Whoever welcomes him welcomes his father and whoever wants to the greatest must be the least. This shut them up for the time. Lord, thank you for reminding us over and over that your kingdom is not like the world’s. Your kingdom is about giving, dying to self, loving, living in joy and manifesting your kingdom in heaven.

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