Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wed.’s Devo - Leprosy and the Cure

Read: Leviticus 13:1-59; Mark 6:1-29; Psalm 39:1-13; Proverbs 10:10 Today we read about symptoms that could develop into a serious skin disease, the Bible calls leprosy. Romans 6 talks about the “infirmity of our flesh” and the fruits of sin leading to death. Moses was talking about the same thing. What made the infected area unclean was if it was deeper than the skin. Everyone encounters sin by just living on the earth. Those things can be brushed off and are only skin deep. They don’t make us unclean, but if sin gets into our hearts like lust or unforgiveness, then we have a problem that makes us unclean and we need to repent and change our actions. *** He gave several symptoms to watch for. The first was swollen in the skin. Swelling represents pride. The next was a rash which is a spreading disease like gossip, addictions, lust, etc. A boil was another skin disease which would represent irrational anger that boils up inside and explodes. A burn is another that represents an offense that burns in our heart. This could be jealousy or envy that displays itself in entitlement. Sores on the head and chin could represent stubbornness or rebellion. *** The person who had the skin problem had to present himself before the priest and let the priest examine it. We present ourselves before God and ask him to examine our hearts. He will tell us what to do and if we obey, our hearts will be cleansed, but, if we refuse to repent, then we will stay unclean. *** The leprous person who was unclean was proclaimed utterly unclean was condemned to tear his clothes, wear no covering over his head and wear a covering over his mouth. He had to cry out, Unclean, unclean. This man is a picture of a person who is unsaved, not covered with Jesus blood and can speak nothing that leads to life. *** Sin can lead to bitterness which will affect every area of a person’s life. That is illustrated in the leprosy that spreads to garments and material. It is called a “fretting leprosy” that is unclean. “Fretting” in the Hebrew means “bitter and painful” it includes “picking”. I wonder if this is like knit-picking someone’s life that you have an offense against. Bitterness will lead to judging the smallest details. It must be burned out of the garment if it can’t be washed out. *** When we are bitter, sometimes the only way we can see straight is for us to go through the same thing we are judging another. When it happens to us, we are better able to see other points of view and have compassion for them. *** In Mark, we get a picture of leprosy. Jesus returned to his hometown and ministered like he did in other towns. At first, they were amazed but then their flesh kicked in and they became wary, jealous, judgmental which led to offense and bitterness. Because of their dishonor and unbelief, he was unable to perform miracles among them except to heal a few of them. They missed out on their blessing. *** Jesus needed to expand God’s ministry so he gave his disciples authority to preach, cast out devils and heal. He sent them out two by two with nothing but a walking stick and shoes on their feet. That is all we need to minister the gospel. We just need to have our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. (Ephesians 6:15). *** When Herod Antipas heard about Jesus he was afraid John the Baptist had risen from the dead. Herod’s leprosy of lust had lead him to take his brother’s wife. His leprosy of pride led him to kill John the Baptist to please his wife and save his face. *** Sin never stops unless we stop it. If we don’t repent it will spread out of control. Lord, examine our hearts and show us anything in our lives that can spread and affect our soul and those around us. We repent and ask you to cleanse us.

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