Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sun.’s Devo - God’s Commandments are Good

Read: Exodus 21:22-13; Matthew 24:1-28; Psalm 29:1-11; Proverbs 7:6-23 God’s commands are good and just. They cause every man to take responsibility for his actions and to have respect for others. They teach us God’s justice and what he requires from us so that we are not in the dark on how to please him. Some of the things God required was the first born son and first born animals, and offerings from their crops and wine. He also required that they keep the Sabbath holy. Jesus gave us a warning of all the things that would be happening in the world: wars, rumors of war, the fall of the Temple, the rise and fall of kingdoms, the arrest of his followers, false prophets, etc. All these things have happened over the decades but Jesus said these are signs will precede his coming back but not be the sign of the end of the world. But, when they see the sacrilegious object that causes desperation is standing in the Holy Place, the people of Judah must flee to the hills. This happened when Antiochus Epiphanes killed a pig on the altar in the Temple. Jesus was telling them of what was about to happen in their lifetime and it did. It is also a picture of what will happen again. Our Psalm gives us a detailed picture of what happened when God spoke from Mt. Sinai. No wonder the people were so frightened and asked him not to do that again. Lord, may we see your commandments as safety nets for our lives not as restrainers of our fun. Every statute you give us is for our good. May we walk in your Word.

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