Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sun.’s Devo - Ichabod - The Ark Was Taken

Read: 1 Samuel 2:22-4:22; John 5:24-47; Psalm 106:1-12; Proverbs 1:12 Eli’s sons were not only taking the Lord’s portion of the sacrifice for themselves but they were also seducing the young women who served at the Tabernacle in Shiloh. Eli knew about this and rebuked them but didn’t discipline them or punish them for it. God sent a prophet to tell Eli that God had chosen him and his family to serve him but He was removing that from them because they refused to honor Him. All the members of his family would die prematurely. Some would be blind, their hearts would break and their children would die a violent death. Hophni and Phineas would die on the same day. God would raise up a faithful priest who would serve God and do what he desires. His family would be established and Eli’s family would bow before him, begging for money and food. They will beg to be priests again so they could eat. Meanwhile Samuel grew up with Eli and served the Lord. One night, God began speaking to Samuel, but he kept thinking it was Eli. When he had woken Eli up three times, Eli realized it was God speaking and told him it was the Lord so he just needed to listen. In the morning Eli threatened Samuel with his life if he didn’t tell him everything God had said to him. So Samuel did. God said that He was going to bring his judgment upon Eli’s family because of their sins. No amount of sacrifices could stop what God was going to do. Israel was at war with the Philistines and were camped near Ebenezer. The Philistines attacked and killed 4,000 Israelites. The elders met and thought if they brought the Ark of the Covenant with them into war they would surely win. They sent for the Ark and Hophi and Phineas came with it. The warriors in the camp shouted so loud when the Ark came that the Philistines could hear it. It frightened the Philistines, but instead of making them weaker with fear, it made them more determined than ever to fight so they wouldn’t be made to serve the Israelites. The next day the Philistines killed 30,000 Israelites, Hopni and Phineas were killed, and the Ark was taken. Eli had been anxiously awaiting to hear what would happen to the Ark and when a man from the battle told him, he fell back off his seat, broke his neck and died. He was 98 years old and had judged Israel for 40 years. Phineas’ wife had been pregnant and about to deliver. When she heard the news, she went into labor and died. She had named the child Ichabod meaning “where is the glory”. The glory had departed from Israel. In John, Jesus said that all who believe in him will never be condemn of their sins but they have already passed from death to life. One day even the dead would hear Jesus voice and be able to believe. Jesus made it clear that his words were not his words alone, but God’s. Heaven and earth testified who Jesus was. John the Baptist was the witness on earth and God was the witness in heaven. The words that Jesus brought were more powerful than John’s because he spoke as a man and Jesus spoke as God. All the scriptures pointed to Jesus but the ones who knew them so well, refused to see. Moses would testify against them. Since they couldn’t believe what Moses wrote, how could they believe by what Jesus said. They loved the honor of man more than the honor of God. Lord, may we rejoice that your glory can never be taken from us. We believe and therefore have life and are justified in You. Thank you for life - here and in heaven.

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