Friday, May 27, 2022

Fri.’s Devo - David’s Discipline

Read: 2 Samuel 12;1-31; John 16:1-33; Psalm 119:65-80; Proverbs 16:4-5 After David got Bathsheba pregnant and had Uriah killed so David wouldn’t have to face him and his own transgression, God had something to say about it so He sent Nathan to give David a hypothetical situation so he could see his sin from God’s perspective. He told him the story of a poor man who had a pet lamb that he loved very much. A rich man had a visitor and wanted to serve lamb. Instead of killing one of his own, of which he had plenty, he took the poor man’s lamb and killed it and fed it to his guests. David was appalled and ordered this man’s execution. Nathan told him that the rich man was him and he had done the same sin to Uriah by taking his wife when David could have any woman in the kingdom. Then he killed him to cover his tracks. God was not pleased with him and because of what he did, the child would die. What he did in secret would be done to him in public. Someone in his own household would rebel against him and God would give his wives to him before his very eyes and the eyes of his people. His family would also live by the sword since he had killed Uriah by the sword. This was fulfilled by David’s son, Absalom many years later. David repented and God forgave him but even after fasting a week and praying for the child’s life, he died. David went to Bathsheba to comfort her. They got pregnant again and this time God blessed the child and called him Jedidiah which means “loved by God”. He was also called Solomon. Meanwhile, Joab was fighting the Ammonites and about to take their capital. He sent message to David to come so he would get the victory. David did and took the king’s crown which weighed 75 pounds. He also took great amount of plunder from the city and made the people his slaves. In John, Jesus warned them of what was coming so they wouldn’t lose their faith. They would be expelled from the synagogue and killed for their belief in Him. The people who did this to them would think they were pleasing God by persecuting them. Jesus was leaving them so he could send them the Advocate, the Holy Spirit who would lead them into all truth. He will convict the world of its sin . He would make righteousness available to anyone who believed in Jesus and the Holy Spirit would warn of the judgment that would come on the world since the ruler of the world, Satan, has been judged. The Holy Spirit will speak for the Father and let them know what he says. Jesus went on to explain that they were going to experience great grief when Jesus leaves them but it would soon turn to great joy. They won’t have him to ask questions, but they can ask God and he will answer them. They were about to be scattered and confused but Jesus assured them, they could find peace in him. Lord, thank you that our peace is in you. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who reveals the Father and the Son to us. Thank you that you discipline those you love.

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