Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sun.’s Devo - The Crucifixion

Read: Exodus 35:10-36:38; Matthew 27:32-66; Psalm 34:1-10; Proverbs 9:7-8 Everyone had the opportunity to give of their things or of their talent to making the things for the Tabernacle. God had anointed Bezelel and Oholiah to teach others their skills in design and craftsmanship. All who wanted could participate. The people gave so much that Moses had to tell them to stop giving because they had more than enough. They began with the curtains which would go all around the yard where the tabernacle would be set. It was made to be one continuous curtain with cherubim embroidered on them. This yard was to represent the garden of Eden. In Matthew, they were leading Jesus to the cross. They had forced Jesus to carry his own cross until they came to Simon and made him carry it the rest of the way. He had been prepared his whole life to carry Jesus cross just as we have been. Everything about Jesus crucifixion was made to make a mockery of Jesus. He was crucified on Golgotha which means “Place of the Skull”. They gambled for his garments and hung a sign above his head that read: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” The people passing by mocked Jesus telling him to come down from the cross and rebuild the Temple that he said would be destroyed. Even the men being crucified with him mocked him. At noon the whole sky became dark for three hours. When the light came back Jesus quoted from Psalm 22 which describes what was happening. Jesus cried out his last cry and the veil in the Temple was torn from top to bottom. The earth shook and rocks split apart. Tombs were opened and many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection and went into Jerusalem and appeared to people. The Roman soldiers were terrified by the earthquake and all that was happening. They recognized that Jesus must truly be the son of God. That evening, Joseph of Arimathea, who had become a believer in Christ went to Pilate and asked for his body. He was granted it and wrapped Jesus in white linen and laid him in his own tomb that had been hewn out of a rock. He rolled a stone in front of the grave. In Isaiah 58 it says that he would be buried with the rich in his death. Joseph was definitely the rich. He borrowed his tomb for three days. Mary and Mary Magdalene observed where they put him. Pilate sent guards to secure the tomb. They stationed guards and had a wax seal placed so they would know if anyone stole his body. They wanted to make sure he didn’t get credit for resurrecting but they only confirmed it with the guard and the seal. Lord, thank you that everything you say you will do, you do. Thank you, Jesus for all the suffering you endured for our sakes.

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