Saturday, February 5, 2022

Sat.’s Devo - God’s Laws

Read: Exodus 21:22-23:13; Matthew 24:1-28; Psalm 29:1-11; Proverbs 7:6-23 God gave them specific instructions about how to handle every situation they would come up against. His laws were just and fair. They took into account the circumstance and the intent of the heart. These were the problems of the people that Moses had spent all day deciding. He taught these laws to the men he trusted and they were able to help govern the people so there was peace. One of the laws that stood out to me was the one about taking bribes. God said that bribes would make a person ignore something that he clearly saw and it would make even a righteous person twist the truth. We see this distortion in our government and it it so true. I pray for the fear of the Lord to be upon myself and our nation. In Matthew, Jesus was leaving the Temple grounds with his disciples. They were pointing out the different structures of the Temple when Jesus said that the day would come when they would all be torn down. The disciples asked when this would happen and what would be the sign of his return and the end of the world. They believed that he would set up his earthly kingdom while they were alive. When he died he would one day come back and it would be the end. They had their timeline a little messed up. He gave them the signs of his return. First the kingdom had to be preached to every nation. The Temple would be defiled by some sacrilegious object and when that happened the remnant would need to flee to the mountains. Things will get so bad that God will have to cut the time short to save anyone. Many false prophets and false Messiah’s will pop up and they were not to follow them. Discernment will be key during those times. Lord, you are king forever. You give us strength and you bless us with peace.

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