Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sun.’s Devo - Hosea

Read: Hosea 1:1-3:5; 1 John 5:1-21; Psalm 124:1-8; Proverbs 29:5-8 Hosea prophesied during the four kings of Judah and Jeroboam of Israel. Hosea was asked to be a living example to show the people of the 10 tribes of Israel how far they had fallen into idolatry. The name Hosea means deliverer. God is always the plan of deliverance. God told Hosea to go and marry a prostitute to show the people of Israel their sin of marrying the gods of other lands and forsaking their true husband which was God. Hosea chose to marry Gomer which means “completion.” He was to have a child by her and they did have a son. They named him Jezreel which means “God will sow.” God said that she represents how God was going to punish King Jehu’s dynasty over the murders he committed at Jezreel. Israel’s independence would end in the Jezreel Valley. Their next child was a girl who God told him to name Lo-ruhamah meaning “not loved.” This child was to show that God would no longer show his love for the people of Israel. He would love Judah and set them free from their enemies. Her second son was named Lo-ruhamah which means “not my people” to show that God was not Israel’s people and He was not their God. This would all change when they came out of exile. They would once again be His people. They would drop the “Lo” (not) off their name and change the meaning to be the opposite. God told Hosea to tell Israel to repent or she would be stripped of her wealth and blessings. She would be lead into the desert and be transformed through her trials. In her captivity, she would come out of her idolatry and God would once again love them as his own people. God told Hosea to go and love his wife again to show how He would one day love Israel again and how they would one day love him back. John explains that we show we love God by obeying his commands and loving one another. Jesus revealed to us that he was the Messiah by the water and the blood. He was baptized in water and shed his blood on the cross. The Sprit testifies to our hearts that He is the Messiah. Lord, may we not forsake you as a believer or a nation. Bring us to repentance.

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