Monday, December 6, 2021

Mon.’s Devo - The Faithless

Read: Hosea 4:1-5:15; 2 John 1:1-13; Psalm 125:1-5; Proverbs 29:9-11 It was time for God to judge because he could find no faithfulness, kindness or knowledge of God in the land. They made promises to God and didn’t keep them. They killed, stole and committed adultery. Violence was everywhere. Sin had left the land decaying. God spoke first to the priests because it was their responsibility to teach the people the truth. But they didn’t know God or the truth. They had forgotten God’s laws and exchanged them for idols. God would not bless them. Because they chose to worship idols, their daughters turned to sexual sins and the whole nation became a prostitute. Both Israel and Judah had forsaken God so they would both be crushed under God’s judgment. God would leave them alone until they admitted their guilt and turned to Him. In 2 John, John addressed a lady named Martha who was a person of influence in the church. She and her family were being seduced to stray from the faith so John felt he needed to warn her. He reminded her that the truth dwelt within her because she had the Holy Spirit. These deceivers were antichrists who denied that Jesus came in the flesh. They had no relationship with God. Those who remain in Jesus have a relationship both with the Father and the Son. John told them that if a teacher came and taught anything other than the truth about Christ, they were not to invite them into their home or give them any type of encouragement. John wanted to save the rest of his advise for when he came to them personally. Lord, help us to remain faithful to you and your word.

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