Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wed.’s Devo - The Lord's Mark

Read: Ezekiel 7:1-9:11; Hebrews 5:1-14; Psalm 105:1-15; Proverbs 26:28 Ezekiel told them that everything that Jeremiah and the other prophets was near to happening. Their sin had reached its full measure and it was time for God to act. He met with the leaders of Judah in his home when God took him in a vision to see all the idol worship that was being done in secret. The was taken by an angel to the gate near the altar and shown a pagan altar. Then he was taken to the Temple courtyard and taken through a hole in the wall to show him the wicked things the priests were doing in their secret places. They were burning incense to idols. Next he was taken to the north gate of the Lord’s Temple and shown the women worshipping Tammuz. Lastly he was taken to the inner courtyard of the Lord’s Temple and shone twenty-five of the men who were worshipping idols facing the east. The glory of the Lord rose up from between the cherubim in the Holy of Holies and moved to the entrance of the Temple. This was God’s glory leaving the Temple. The Lord called forth other angels and told them to go and mark the foreheads of all the people who mourned the idolatry of the nation. The men were to march through the city killing everyone without the mark. This was God’s mark like the mark on the doorposts during Moses’ time. They began their judgment with the 70 elders. The sins of the people without God’s mark were judged. When the men from God had done everything they were told to do they reported back to God that it was done. In Hebrews, God explains that Jesus became our High Priest. He represents us to God and offers gifts to God and sacrifices that cover our sins. No on can decide on their own to become a high priest. They must be chosen by God. God chose Jesus to be our High Priest. When Jesus was here he cried out to God to save us from death and God heard him and qualified Jesus to be our source of eternal salvation. God has spiritual food to give the mature, those who have trained themselves to know the difference between right and wrong. Lord, thank you for hearing the prayers of Jesus on our behalf. Thank you for saving us for death. May we be among the mature that have trained ourselves to know the difference between right and wrong.

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