Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sat.’s Devo - More Faith

Read: Ezekiel 27:1-28:26; Hebrews 11:17-31; Psalm 111:1-10; Proverbs 27:15-16 God wasn’t through talking to Tyre. He called it the gateway to the sea, the trading center of the world. I would compare it to Dubai in today’s world. Ezekiel gives us a list of the nations that traded with her and the wares that were exchanged. God compares the Tyre of the island like a ship that becomes wrecked by the waves and completely destroyed. No one can believe it could happen. The pride of the world ends sunk at the bottom of the sea. God sent a word to the prince of Tyre. He had proclaimed in his pride that he was a god but God puts him in his place. He is only a man. This reminds me of Herod who proclaimed the same thing only to be struck down and killed. It also reminds me of the politicians of today who are pronouncing the same thing only to be struck down and humbled. The prince of Tyre would die like an outcast at the hand of foreigners. The prince of Tyre was the physical leader Ithbaal which means “with Baal”. The next message was to the king of Tyre which was the spiritual leader - a type of the Anti-Christ. He describes him as being the serpent in the Garden of Eden. He had been anointed as the mighty angelic guardian who had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire. We see that Lucifer’s pride led him to violence and he was banished from the mountain of God. He was filled with pride because of his beauty and his wisdom was corrupted by his love for splendor. He was thrown to the ground and exposed to the world. He was personified in the city of Tyre. God told Sidon that He was their enemy who would judge them and send a plague against them. They would be slaughtered within their own walls. To the people of Israel, God said that they would live again in their own land. They who had been scattered would be brought back together. Once God finished punishing their enemies, they would be safe to live in their own land again In Hebrews we continue our talk on faith. Abraham as the “Father” offered his own son, Isaac as a sacrifice just as God offered Jesus. Abraham knew that God was able to bring Isaac back to life just as God planned to resurrect Jesus. Isaac offered blessings on his sons, Jacob and Esau and they came to pass. They both had 12 sons. Jacob’s sons were the sons of promise and became the 12 tribes of Israel. Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob prophecied that his people would one day leave Egypt and commanded that they take his bones with them when they went. Moses was the one to lead God’s people out of Egypt. Moses gave up his worldly position to suffer for the sake of Christ because he knew there was a greater reward waiting for him from God. He defied the Pharaoh of Egypt to follow God who led him out of Egypt. By faith he told the people to kill a lamb and sprinkle its blood on their doorposts, saving them from death. He led the people through the Red Sea on dry ground. This same Sea killed the Egyptians when they crossed. The people, by faith marched around Jericho and it was by faith that Rahab was saved because she believed in the God of the Israelites. It is by faith that we trust in a God who we cannot see and a Saviour we have only heard about. It is by faith that we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit leading us in the way we should walk. Lord, thank you for faith. Thank you that it is a gift you have given us. May we nourish this gift and cause it to grow.

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