Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sat.’s Devo - 9-11

Read: Isaiah 8:1-9:21; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Psalm 55:1-23; Proverbs 23:4-5 What a reading for 9-11! Remember Isaiah’s prophecy about a son that would be born and his name would be called Emanuel, God is with us? Today we read about the fulfillment of that word in their lives. The Lord told Isaiah to make a huge sign and write the name Maher-shalal-has-baz which means “quickly the spoil, hasting the prey”. Then he went and slept with his wife and she became pregnant with a son they would name this. Before the baby could talk, the king of Assyria would carry the riches of Samaria away. (Samaria is the capital of Israel.) God explained that he wanted to send his love to them but they rejected it so now a flood will come upon them. This flood will not be water, but the Assyrian army. God spoke explicitly to Isaiah and told him that he couldn’t think like everyone else did. He told Isaiah not to be afraid but to make the Lord holy in his life because He is the one to fear. God told Isaiah that the children he had given Isaiah and his wife would be signs and warnings to Israel. Yesterday we read that Isaiah’s first son’s name meant a remnant will return and this son’s name meant that the prey would come quickly and devour the spoil. The people weren’t listening or even perceiving God’s signs he had given. They were seeking mediums and false prophets. The good news was that this time of darkness would not last forever. God was already looking into a great future when the Gentiles would come to this very place and they would bring light. Then God spoke of the coming of Jesus who would be our wonderful counselor, our mighty God, everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. His government would never end. But, for then, the armies of Syria and Remalia would only be a threat, the real enemy would be the Assyrians. In a day, the Assyrians would take down the leaders and the lying prophets. The leaders had led them to destruction and the prophets were hypocrites. The people of Ephraim and Manasseh (brothers) would devour each other. How does all this pertain to our 9-11. This is my opinion. Our 9-11 had to do with our wicked leaders. Our financial system was going to reset that day and the evil bankers were going to be stopped. The wealth of the wicked was going to be put into the hands of the righteous and many wicked leaders would be exposed. Instead, they bombed our Trade Center so that that would not happen. They blamed Iraq when it was clearly an inside job and Bush Sr. was the mastermind. In a day, our land was changed. What could happen this 9-11: a complete reversal! I am praying that the false leaders (Biden and Harris) will be brought down and the false prophets - the media. In a day! God is walking our land and He will bring justice - I pray it is today. Paul continues to testify on his own behalf. He is trying to show them the difference between him and the false apostles they were being enticed to follow. He shared with them his experiences with the Lord and his struggles and weaknesses. He was showing his transparency so that they would see that he was only a man but his power came from God. His confidence is in God alone. Lord, may you bring a reversal in our nation. Forgive us of our sins. Help us to fight for the lives of the unborn and win their freedom. May we fight for our Constitution and may it become the law of the land once again. Return justice to the courts, righteous government and godly leaders to our nation once again. May we be the light on the hill that is Your light. May we be a prosperous, humble and generous nation once again that can help other nations return freedom to their nations also. Thank you for hope, freedom and life.

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