Friday, September 3, 2021

Fri.’s Devo - Tidbits of Wisdom

Read: Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 22:16 In all Solomon has observed about life led him to the conclusion that the most fortunate are those who have not been born yet. How sad, since God gives us life and wants us to enjoy it. Life is a gift, but how you look at life determines your ability to have joy or sadness. Solomon saw that most people were motivated to work because they envied what their neighbor had. This was meaningless. Another thing he thought meaningless was the man who had no family and yet worked hard to gain wealth. Who would he enjoy his wealth with? Solomon had learned some wise adages and here are a few: Everyone needs a friend to walk with them and three is even better. It is better to be wise and poor than rich and foolish. Don’t make rash decisions before asking God his opinion. Keep your promises. If you are wealthy, be generous. Life is short so be sure you enjoy it. To enjoy your work and your life is a gift from God. Enjoy what you have rather than wishing for what you don’t have. Accept your destiny from God and live it. Speak less and mean more. Paul adds his tidbit of wisdom: don’t team up with unbelievers. There will be no agreement or harmony if you do. There can be no union with one who worships God and one who worships idols. Paul quoted Isaiah and Jeremiah when he told them that God says to come out from among the sinners and be separate. We are not of the same kingdom as those who don’t know the Lord. Paul had traveled to Corinth and seen the apostasy taught by their leader. He had left rejected and sent them a severe letter rebuking them for what he saw. Their leader was teaching them the teaching of the Nicolatians which was that sin was not only ok but good. We don’t have a copy of the rebuking letter Paul sent to the Church in Corinth but it did get their attention and many repented. Paul was always encouraging them to turn from sin and be clean. He wanted them to know how proud he was of their change of hearts. Lord, may we live our lives to honor You and Your Name.

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