Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sun.’s Devo - David and Jesus Defend the Truth

Read: 1 Samuel 18:5-19:24; John 8:31-59; Psalm 112:1-10; Proverbs 15:12-14 David worked for Saul and succeeded in everything he did. Saul eventually made him a commander over his men. When Saul came back after the war with the Philistines he heard the women singing about how David had killed ten thousands and Saul had killed thousands. The seed of jealousy entered Saul’s heart and took root. Saul became tormented and David would come and play his harp. He tried several times to kill David, but God saved him. Saul saw the favor of God on David and it frightened him even more. He had to remember the words Samuel had given him about giving his nation over to someone more deserving than him. He sent David to war…hoping he would be killed. Saul offered David his daughter, Merab as his wife when he came home. God was with David and he succeeded in all he did and won his battles. Instead of giving Merab to David, she was given to Adriel instead. Saul’s youngest daughter, Michal fell in love with David and Saul saw it as another chance to get rid of him. He told David that his bride price would be 100 Philistine foreskins. Instead, David gave him 200. I can’t even imagine! Saul had to give him his daughter. Saul, then tried to get Jonathan to kill David, but Jonathan told David the plan. Jonathan tried to reason with his father and it worked for a while. David went back to fighting for Saul. One day, while David was playing for Saul, he came so close to killing him that he had to flee. Saul sent men to surround David’s house but Michal had warned David the night before to escape out the window. She took a statue and put it in his bed and told the soldiers that he was in bed sick. Saul sent them back to bring David in his bed. That was when they found the idol in the bed. Saul was so mad at Michal for defending David. She blamed it on David and said that he made her do that. David escaped and went to Ramah. When Saul found out, he sent his troops to get him but every time they would be filled with God’s spirit and begin prophesying. Saul went himself and the same thing happened to him. (God definitely has a sense of humor!) Jesus continued his talk about who he was and they still didn’t get it. He told them that his true disciples would continue to believe in him. They would come to more and more truth and the truth would set them free. The religious people, said they were children of Abraham but Jesus disagreed because if they were, then they would accept him. He told them they were children of the devil who was a murderer from the beginning who had always hated the truth. That was why they couldn’t believe Him. This made the people irate. They called him a Samaritan devil. Jesus denied that he had a demon. He honored his Father who was the true judge. He told them that anyone who obeyed his teaching would never die. Jesus said that his Father would glorify him and even Abraham looked forward to his coming. This really got them mad. How could he say he knew or saw Abraham? Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I AM!” They picked up stone to throw at him but he was hidden and left the Temple. Wow! Jesus was not running for a popularity contest. He spoke the truth as he saw it and he saw it from God’s perspective. No one could understand him then, but we all understand him now. Lord, help us to realize that the truth is not something we have to make people believe, but you will make all things known one day. You are our defense.

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