Monday, May 3, 2021

Mon.’s Devo - God So Loved

Read: Judges 17:1-18:31; John 3:1-21; Psalm 104:1-23; Proverbs 14:20-21 Micah lived among the hills of Ephraim. His name means “who is like Jehovah.” He tried everything but Jehovah, which was a picture of what Israel was also doing. Micah had stolen 1,100 pieces of silver from his mother and because he heard her put a curse on the one who stole it, he confessed. She was so pleased to get her money back that she took 200 of the silver coins to the engraver and had him build a silver idol for them to worship. Nothing could describe the spiritual climate of Israel better than these words: “Israel had no king: all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.” They were ruled by their carnal reasoning instead of the heart of God. Micah was visited by a traveling Levite from Judah. He convinced him to stay and live with him and be his priest. He Levite agreed and he was paid and housed in return. The tribe of Dan had not taken their land yet so as they were scouting out their land, they came upon Micah and his priest. They convinced the priest to come with them and be priest over their tribe. They robbed Micah of his idols and ephod. Micah argued with them but he and his men were no match for Dan and their 600 warriors. Dan’s scouts had found a city past Micah’s house that was unfortified and rich. They were on their way to attack it. They did and burned the town to the ground. They rebuilt the town and called it Dan. Jonathan was made their priest who continued as their priest until the exile. Jonathan was the son of Gershom who was the son of Moses. I don’t know if this was Micah’s priest or not. In John, we are introduced to Nicodemus, a leader of the Pharisees. He came to Jesus at night to ask him questions. He told him that it was obvious that Jesus was sent from God to teach them. Jesus told him that unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus questioned how to be “born again.” Jesus answered that man must be born of water and of spirit. He told him that the Son of man has come down from heaven and must be lifted up like the bronze snake that Moses put on the pole. Then Jesus told him how much God loved the world that he gave his only son to bring eternal life to anyone who would believe in him. There is no judgement against anyone who believed in him. Lord, that is such good news! Thank you that we are free from judgment because we believe in you. Who is like Jehovah!

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