Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wed.’s Devo - The New Breed of Warriors

Read: Numbers 26:1-51; Luke 2:36-52; Psalm 60:1-12; Proverbs 11:15 After the plague was over, God told Moses to record the names of all the warriors still alive from each tribe. They counted them from every tribe except the Levites. Note was made that even though Korah was killed when he rebelled against Moses and led his rebellion, his sons did not die. This group was the new warriors that didn’t have to die in the wilderness because they refused to trust God and go in the first time. This was the new breed of warriors from the next generation. There were 601,730 warriors. In Luke, there was a prophetess named Anna who like Simeon had been waiting to see the Messiah all her life. She walked up to Joseph and Mary as Simeon was prophesying over Jesus. She also agree that he was the one everyone had been waiting for to rescue Jerusalem. Mary and Joseph returned to Nazareth where Jesus grew up with wisdom and the favor of God. Every year they went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. When Jesus turned twelve it was a special year for a Jewish boy. It was his bar mitzvah. Jews count the time in the womb as a year so he would be 13. At 13, they were to then enter into their father’s business. Jesus had surely been taught about his birth or maybe they had just told him since he was a man now. Jesus went to the Temple and lost all track of time talking with the scribes and religious leaders. They were amazed at his insight into the law. Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus was not with them after three days and went back and finally found him in the Temple. When they questioned what he was doing, he responded that he had to be about his father’s business. His father was God and God’s business was in the Temple. Mary and Joseph didn’t understand his response and had him come with them, but Mary didn’t forget Jesus response. It probably made more sense to her later. Jesus grew in wisdom and maturity and had the favor of God and the people. Lord, may you raise up warriors in this generation who will valiantly fight for your cause and be about your business. May we all be a part of your army.

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