Friday, March 26, 2021

Fri.’s Devo -God’s Messengers

Read: Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25; Luke 7:11-35; Psalm 68:19-35; Proverbs 11:29-31 God spoke to the people his commandments that today we call the Ten Commandments. The people heard God’s voice and saw the fire and were very afraid. God had more to say but the elders came to Moses with the request of the people. They wanted Moses to talk to God further because they were afraid of the Lord. God was actually pleased at their request because that meant that they feared him with reverence. He agreed to their request and had Moses return the people to their tents and called Moses up to come to Him to listen to the rest of his commands, decrees and regulations. Then he could teach the people. They were to always remember what Moses taught them and they were to teach the words to their children. They were to write them and talk about them and memorize the law. When the Lord brought them into the land of houses and fruitfulness and blessings they were not to forget who brought them out of bondage and gave them the land. They were not to worship the gods of the land but to wipe them off the face of the earth. In Luke, Jesus saw a widow who had just lost her only son. He felt compassion upon her and gave her back her son from the dead. The fear of God swept the crowd. John the Baptist was in prison and I’m sure he was wondering why Jesus had not freed him. Jesus was doing such wonderful miracles which John was hearing about. John sent a word to Jesus to ask him if he was the Messiah or if they should look for someone else. Jesus sent word back to John of all the things he was doing which fulfilled the prophecies and ended it with, “And blessed are those who are not offended in me.” He knew that John was offended that he had not released him from prison but he could only do what God allowed him to do. This is a lesson to us not to look at what God isn’t doing that we think he should, but to see what he is doing and to trust that He is doing what is most important. Jesus then addressed the crowd about John. He told him he was the greatest of the prophets who was sent to earth to prepare the way for the Messiah and he had done that. Then Jesus addressed that generation. He said they were not satisfied in any of God’s messengers. John’s life was not filled with eating and drinking and they accused him of having a demon. Jesus’ life was full of eating and drinking with people and he was called a glutton and a drunkard. The people could not be satisfied but the ones who had true wisdom understanding followed both men. Lord, only You have the words of life. Thank you for your prophets and your Word.

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