Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tue.’s Devo - The Offerings

Read: Leviticus 1:1-3:17; Mark 1:29-2:12; Psalm 35:17-28; Proverbs 9:13-18 The procedures for the burnt offering were given. This animal was to represent them as well as Jesus. The animal was to replace them and his death would purify them and make them right with him. The animal was a place holder till the perfect sacrifice was given. Those who couldn’t afford an animal could give a bird and it would have the same power to cover their sins. The grain offering was another offering that could be given. It would be mixed with oil, flour and frankincense to be a sweet smelling aroma to the Lord. The offerings given in the Old Testament appealed to all of the senses. You could see with your eyes the killing of animals, the pain, the blood, the goriness and yet the relief of the weight of sin. You could smell the cooking of meat, the smell of incense and the burning of fat. You could sing with your family and rejoice. Salt was to be added for flavoring and yeast was never to be a part of the ceremony. Jesus told us that we are to be the salt of the earth that adds the flavoring to life. We are warned against the yeast of the Pharisees - the wrong teachings. It was important that your sacrifice have no defects and that it be the very best that you had. The person presenting the animal had to lay their hands on the animal showing that they identify as the animal. They are passing all their sins to the animal and then allowing it to be consumed on the altar. Jesus became sin for us and took it all to the altar of the cross and it died with him. In Mark, Jesus left with the disciples and went to Peter’s house. His mother-in-law was lying sick in bed. Jesus went and healed her. She was completely healed and immediately got up and fixed a meal for them. Jesus healed many in that town. That night, Jesus went on a mountain to pray and spend time with his father. I sometimes wonder if the only time Jesus slept was on the boat. When the disciples came to him saying that everyone was looking for him, he did not give in to the crowd. He had gotten marching orders from God and told his disciples that they needed to go to other towns. They needed to hear and have an opportunity to turn to him. Jesus healed a man with leprosy, which had never been done before. Jesus told him to go and present himself to the priest like the law of Moses said but instead he went and spread the news to the people. This made it impossible for Jesus to go to the towns so he went to the outskirts and the people came to him. Jesus went back to Capernaum where he had been kicked out when he delivered the demoniac of all his demons. They had seen the transformation of them and and now, everyone wanted to hear what Jesus had to say. They brought a man who was paralyzed and Jesus not only healed him but forgave his sins. This seemed blasphemous to the teachers of the law. They thought they were the only ones who could atone for sin. But they could not heal anyone so they were so jealous of Jesus. Lord, may we be the salt of the earth and the city set on a hill shining your truth.

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