Friday, February 5, 2021

Fri.’s Devo - Birth Pains

Read: Exodus 21:22-23:13; Matthew 24:1-28; Psalm 29:1-11; Proverbs 7:6-23 In the law it gives the laws concerning violence, animal control, the responsibility for property, moral and ceremonial principles and justice for all. The laws were just and fair and called for everyone to be accountable for their actions and responsible to others. There were laws in behalf of the land. It was to be able to rest the seventh year so that the nutrients could replenish. One of the laws that stood out to me was “You must not allow a sorceress to live.” I think about Balaam who was hired to curse Israel. God would only allow him to bless Israel but he advised Balaam to use his sorceresses to entice the men of Israel (Numbers 25) to worship their gods and engage in all sorts of sexual worship of their gods. They ended up intermarrying with them and it caused a plague to come upon their nation. Eventually, Balaam came and lived among them. If they had killed the sorceresses, they wouldn’t have brought the curse upon themselves. In Matthew, we read the birth pains before the coming of Christ. Many will be deceived, there will be threats of war, famine, earthquakes. Many of Christians will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. They will be hated all over the world. False prophets will arise to deceive and sin will be rampant everywhere. The love of many will be cold. The Gospell will be preached throughout the whole world so all nations will hear it. Then the end will come. There will be sacrilegious object that will stand in the Holy Place. When this happens, people need to flee to the hills. This will mark the worse time in the history of the earth. We have seen the birth pains for a long time and will continue to see these things until the time of the end is here. There is a blessing for those who endure till the end - they will be saved. Lord, help us to be ready for the season we are in. Thank you that we don’t have to panic or be afraid because you have planned this from the beginning.

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