Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thurs.’s Devo - God’s Last Words

Read: Malachi 3:1-4:6; Revelation 22:1-21; Psalm 150:1-6; Proverbs 31:25-31 Malachi is the last voice before a 200 year period of silence from the prophets. He tells them to “Look!” because God is sending his messenger and then the promised one will suddenly come to his Temple. This messenger was John the Baptist who prepared the people’s hearts for the coming Messiah. John was like a blazing fire that refines metal and a strong soap that bleaches clothes. Their hearts had been hard like metal and their works had become filthy. All sorcerers, adulterers and liars and those that cheated their workers, oppressed widows and orphans and deprived foreigners of their justice would be put on trial. They were the scribes, pharisees and religious leaders. John called them vipers and hypocrites. Jesus called them white washed walls. They scorned the law and failed to obey them themselves. They cheated the Lord in their tithes and offerings and kept most of the people’s sacrifices for themselves. He explained their thought process. They had looked at the evil people and saw how they had prospered. They compared the rich to themselves and what they had gained by following the Lord and decided to join the arrogant and get rich. It didn’t look like God was punishing the rich so he surely wouldn’t punish them. They didn’t know about the book of remembrance that recorded all the names of those who remained faithful to him. These faithful ones would be God’s people and be spared; God would make a difference between the righteous and the wicked. The arrogant and wicked would be burned up and consumed. But the ones who feared God’s name would be set free. They would tread upon the wicked. He gave them two names to remember: Moses and Elijah. Moses was the law and Elijah was the prophet. The law and the words of the prophets would turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. If they didn’t turn they would be cursed. In Revelation, the angel showed John the river of life or the living water. It flowed from the throne of God down main street and on each side of the river were twelve trees of life. Each tree bore a different fruit with a fresh crop each month. The leaves of these trees would be used to heal the nations. The curse was lifted completely off of all who lived there and bore the name of the Lord on their heads. There was no darkness or night because the glory of the Lord shined on them. John was instructed not to seal up these words because it was getting near the end. God said to let the sinner continue to sin and the righteous continue to do good because the judge was coming to repay and reward. He would have the last say. The blessed will be invited into the city to eat the healing leaves from the trees of life. The sorcerers, immoral, murderers, idol worshipers and those who loved lies would have to stay outside the city and stay in their state of sickness and decay. Malachi invited us to “Look!” and the Spirit and the bride invite us to “Come!” The living water of Salvation, healing, hope, and life is offered freely to anyone who wants it. Thank you Father for the grace you have given your people to endure this year of testing and uncertainty. You never left us or forsook us but were a light to our path and a covering over us. Lead us into this next year with wisdom and discernment. May we not forget the lessons we learned in the fire. Hallelujah! We anticipate 2021 with great joy! Amen! Come Lord Jesus! May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people.

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