Friday, December 11, 2020

Fri.’s Devo - Thyatira and Sardis

Read: Amos 4:1-6:14; Revelation 2:18-3:6; Psalm 130:1-8; Proverbs 29:21-22 Amos addressed Samaria, the capital of Israel and called the people “fat cows”. Their women were the ones he had so much to rail against. They oppressed the poor and were always making their husbands bring them another drink. These women would be led away by the hoops in their noses like fish on hooks. He sarcastically told them to keep offering tithes to their idols so they can brag about it. God had tried to get their attention with hunger and famine and lack of rain but they refused to return to the Lord. God sent plagues and war and destroyed their cities with fire but they refused to return. So God was going to continue with the disasters he had promised in Deuteronomy. Next, Amos spoke to the people of Israel. It was about to fall, never to rise again. He told them to stop worshipping the golden calves at Bethel and Gilgal or Beersheba. If they didn’t return to him they would be destroyed with fire. They hated justice and truth. They trampled the poor and took their money to build their own houses. If they would turn to the Lord, his Heavenly Army would fight for them. If they brought back justice and truth then maybe God would have mercy on the remnant of his people. It was not going to go well for the rich who lounged in luxury while they worshipped idols and oppressed the poor. God hated their arrogance and the Lord was about to give the command to the Army of God to attack and destroy. In Revelation, John wrote his next letter to the church at Thyatira. It was known as the Pagan Church. The Roman Catholic Church was the main church and they appointed a Pope and began kissing his feet and doing all sorts of ritualistic things to honor a man instead of God. The belief in Mary’s immaculate conception began. Mary was proclaimed the Mother of the Church. The Jezebel it mentions is the Mystery Babylon, the bride of Satan. God promised to bring her followers great suffering and death. They will get what they deserve. To those who had not given in to her false teaching, God told them to hold tightly to what they know is true. The Pagan Church of Thyatira will last through the Dark Ages till 800. The church went deeper into Satanism. Those who were victorious till the end were given authority over the nations to rule the nations. The fifth church was Sardis. It was the church of the Reformers like Martin Luther. They were called to “wake up” the Church and bring them back to truth of the gospel. The organized church was selling indulgences which were licenses to sin. A few godly monks rebelled against the apostasy of the church and were martyred for their faith. The Dead Church lasted until 1790. Lord, may we be awake and alive to your truth and your salvation. Bring justice and peace to our nation, we pray.

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