Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thur.’s Devo - Our High Priest

Read: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3 Because the people were so rebellious and refused to listen to what he was saying, God told Ezekiel to act out the motions of going into exile and everything that was going to happen. When the people asked him about what he was doing, he was to tell them that this is what is soon going to happen to them. Even their king Zedekiah would try to escape through a hole in the wall and then be captured and taken to Babylon though he would never see it. He would die there. This is exactly what happened to Zedekiah. He was caught trying to escape and had his eyes gouged out before he was taken to Babylon, so he was there yet he never saw it. Ezekiel told the people that they should be shaking in fear of what was about to happen to them but they told each other that the time was far away. Ezekiel said it was time for every prophecy to be fulfilled. The false prophets had been inventing their own prophesies and their words were giving them false hope like a whitewashed wall. They offered false security. Even the women were prophesying and ensnaring the souls of God’s people with magic charms and magic veils. They were not only trapping others with their lies but bringing destruction down on themselves. Their words were killing those who shouldn’t die and promising life to those who should not live. They discouraged the righteous with their lies when God did not want them to be discouraged because he was going to bring them through it. They were encouraging the wicked by promising them life causing them to continue in their sin. Some of the leaders of Israel went to visit with Ezekiel and while they were sitting together God gave Ezekiel a message to tell them. They had set up idols in their hearts and determined to worship them so why should God listen to their prayers. Their idols enticed them to sin. The people had followed them and God was crying out to them to repent and turn away from their idols. If they don’t, they would be made an example of what God does to those who refuse to repent. God determined that he would have a people that worshipped him. This reminds me of the false prophets of the media. It produces fear in the Christians who watch it and promises false hope to the wicked who want to continue in their sins. God is going to shut them down and their own sin is going to be their destruction. In Hebrews, God explains that Melchizedek was the king of the city of Salem and also the High priest of God in heaven. Abraham had given him a tithe of a tenth of the spoils of war. Melchizedek means “king of justice” and Salem means “king of peace.” He had no human genealogy because he was not of this earth. The descendants of Abraham gave a tenth of their wealth to the priest who was a descendant of Levi. Melchizedek was not a descendant of Levi, yet Abraham tithed to him and he in turn blessed Abraham. The earthly priests died but Melchizedek was eternal. Levi gave tithes to Melchizedek through the loins of Abraham. The law made the priesthood change to Levi and then the cross made the priesthood change to Jesus who was from the tribe of Judah. Jesus was a priest in Melchizedek’s order - the heavenly order that is eternal. In this new age, God’s children become priests to God with Jesus as the High Priest. Lord, may we as priests offer up pleasing sacrifices of praise to you.

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