Monday, November 9, 2020

Mon.’s Devo - Redemption.

The elders came to Ezediel to hear a new word from him. They wanted to know if he agreed with what their false prophets were saying. Ezekiel waited to hear what God would say and when he responded it was not what they wanted to hear. God rebuked them for the sins of their ancestors back to Egypt. They had adopted the gods of Egypt and refused to let them go so God had punished them over and over and sent them prophets to call them to repentance. Since they refused to listen, God was finished calling them back. He told them to continued worshipping their idols because they were going to burn, but one day after the 70 years, a different people would return and they would want to follow him. As for Jerusalem, it was going to burn with a fire that would not be quenchable. In Hebrews, God explained that Jesus entered heaven’s throne room with his own blood and poured it on the altar in heaven. It not only cleansed our bodies like the blood of animals had done, but it cleansed our consciences also. Now, we are eternally free of the penalty of our sins. When Christ returns, He will not be coming to deal with our sins but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. Lord, Thank you for your redemption plan. Thank you that we are eternally clean before you because our your blood.

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