Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thurs.’s Devo - We Are Free Indeed!

Read: Isaiah 25:1-28:13; Galatians 3:10-22; Psalm 61:1-8; Proverbs 23:17-18 When God brought judgement on the earth at that time it was a picture of how it will be in the Tribulation. Everything was destroyed; mighty cities were turned into heaps. It didn’t matter if they had strong walls and towers. But God made a tower of refuge for the poor in spirit. There will be a remnant that will come through the Tribulation just as there was then. In Jerusalem, God will spread a banquet table for his people. Death will be swallowed up in victory and God will save his people. This is the marriage supper of the Lamb. God’s people will be raptured to be married to Jesus and spend this time in the huppah. We will sing about God’s walls as our salvation and God will open the gates to Jerusalem and allow his people to come back. God told the righteous left on the earth to go and hide for a while until his wrath had passed. God will deal with Leviathan, the Devil and kill him. God will purge Israel of her sin but the God will gather his remnant and the great trumpet will sound. The Great Trumpet will sound on the Day of Atonement and many will return to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. At the end of the Day of Atonement, the gates will be shut. After that day, everyone’s fate is sealed and there is no more hope for the world. God will bring more judgment on the world. He judges Ephraim where Samaria is. Ephraim is the only tribe mentioned in the judgment which might by why Ephraim is left out of the list of tribes in Revelation 7. Samaria was Israel’s capital where much idolatry took place. Isaiah describes the political and spiritual leaders as drunks who could not discern any word from the Lord. God gave it to them line upon line but they couldn’t read it. Paul explained that any one who tried to keep the law was cursed from the start because no one could keep it. Christ rescued us from the curse and set us free from it on the cross. The law was only designed to last until the promised fulfillment of the law had come which was Jesus. Freedom came through Christ. Lord, help us to walk in the freedom of Christ and to walk in the liberty of righteousness.

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