Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sun.’s Devo - God’s Shaking

Read: Isaiah 12:1-14:32; 2 Corinthians 13:1-14; Psalm 57:1-11; Proverbs 23:9-11 Isaiah continued telling them how they would feel when God defeated their enemies in the end. Then, his people would praise him and find comfort in him. They will sing songs of victory and shout for joy. Isaiah received another word about the destruction of Babylon. God would send the Medes against Babylon to destroy it for its wickedness. The Lord of Heavens Armies will use them as their weapons against Babylon. It will be a frightful time but God will be in control punishing evil. God will shake the heavens and the earth and everyone in Babylon will be afraid and run to hide. The Medes will have no mercy on the young men, women and children. Babylon who was once the mot glorious of kingdom will be devastated like Sodom and Gomorrah, never to be inhabited again. But, God will have mercy on the children of Jacob and choose them once again to be his people. He will bring them back to settle in their own land and make them a nation once again. God will take revenge on their enemies. Israel sang a funeral song to Babylon in Chapter 14. He also gave a word of Assyrian’s demise when they come to Israel. God was coming to the earth to judge the whole earth and there was no stopping him. King Ahaz died and God had a word for the Philistines. He didn’t want them to rejoice that their enemy was dead, because He was raising up an even greater enemy for them who will finish the job that Ahaz had started. God would wipe out the Philistines with famine and an army from the north. When messengers came from Philistia to enquire as to the state of Judea, the reply shall be, that “the Lord has built Jerusalem and its walls will give refuge to his oppressed people.” In Corinthians, Paul had to have tough love with the Corinthians but he told them he was not wanting to tear them down but to strengthen them. Lord, thank you that your words are not always what we want to hear but they always lead to healing and restoration.

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