Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thurs.’s Devo - The Next Generation

Read: 2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19; Romans 8:9-25; Psalm 18:16-36; Proverbs 19:26 Solomon took the kingdom and followed the commands of David and did not deviate in any way from his fathers’ commands concerning the priests and the Levites and the treasures. He oversaw the building of the Temple from start to finish. When it was completed, the queen of Sheba came to see Solomon to see if all she had heard about his kingdom and his wisdom was true. She came bearing great gifts and many questions. When she spent time with Solomon and saw all of the wealth and ingenuity of his kingdom, she was overwhelmed. The glory of his kingdom caused her to glorify God. She left him with much gold and spices. Hiram of Egypt also gave him much gold and wood. The wealth and abundance of Solomon’s kingdom has never been rivaled. He ruled over all the earth and everyone gave him tribute. Solomon’s kingdom was a picture of what it looks like when God’s kingdom comes to earth. Jesus prayed that so we will see that happen once again. When he died, his son Rehoboam became the next king. Sadly, Solomon had not groomed Rehoboam for the kingship like David had groomed him. The people came to Rehoboam and asked if he was going to be a hard master or a kind master. He consulted his father’s counselors and they told him to give the people a favorable answer and they would serve him forever. He asked his younger counselors that he had chosen and they told him just the opposite. They told him to use fear, intimidation and control. Rehoboam chose the advise of his friends. When the people hear it they rejected him as their kings and quit their jobs and went home. Rehoboam sent Adoniram who was in charge of forced labor to restore order to the chaos. The people stoned him to death. Rehoboam panicked and jumped into his chariot and fled to Jerusalem to hide in his palace. The northern tribe of Israel had made it clear that they refused to be controlled by him. In Romans, we learn that we can refuse to be controlled by our sins also. We can choose to be controlled by the Spirit of God that lives inside of us. We as God’s creation and his children have been made heirs of all his promises. He has promised us freedom from death and decay and a new body. We position ourselves to wait patiently and confidently for God’s great reveal - when God reveals to the earth who his children really are. I pray that we are nearing that day. Lord, thank you for the gift of hope to know that You are our loving Father who has promised us a wonderful inheritance full of glory and peace. We confidently look forward to your promises being made manifest.

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