Friday, July 31, 2020

Fri.’s Devo - Restoring the Temple

Read: 2 Chronicles 29:1-36; Romans 14:1-23; Psalm 24:1-10; Proverbs 20:12 Hezekiah became king and he walked as David did. He led a great purification ceremony of the Temple. He told the Levites to purify themselves first, then the Temple. All the bad that had happened to them in the past had been because they had left worshipping the Lord and had closed the doors to the Temple. It took them sixteen days but they rid the Temple of all its idols and took them down to the Kidron Valley where they were burned. As soon as they had everything sanctified, they started offering sacrifices to God. The Levites blew the trumpets and played their music and praised the Lord throughout the whole day. They sacrificed 5,000 animals that day. The Levites had to help the priests because the priests had not been as conscientious about consecrating themselves as the Levites had. The Temple was restored to service and the people rejoiced in how fast the transformation had taken. Romans 14 is key to what we are experiencing with the masks and social distancing and all the things we are facing in our world right now. It all boils down to walking out your own faith walk and your own consciences. You have to follow what the Holy Spirit inside you is saying for you. If you have faith, don’t let someone’s lack of faith cause you to stumble and if your faith means that you are cautious don’t stumble over someone else’s bold faith. We have to honor each other and where they are in their faith. We all answer to God who knows our hearts and what level of faith we are on. Paul boiled it down to this: the kingdom of God is about living a life of goodness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Blessed are those who do not feel guilty in doing what is right. Follow your convictions. Lord, thank you for your grace to live in freedom and righteousness.

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