Monday, May 18, 2020

Mon.’s Devo - God is Our Stronghold and Defense

Read: 1 Samuel 22:1-23:29; John 10:1-21; Psalm 115:1-18: Proverbs 15:18-19
After David escaped Saul, 400 other men joined him who were discontented with Saul’s leadership. David went to Mizpeh in Moab and asked the king if his father and mother could live there in safety. Mizpeh was a stronghold with a watchtower which means that it was like a military base. The king allowed them to stay there.
God sent the prophet, Gad to tell David to go back to the land of Judah. Saul found out that David was in Judah and accused is army of keeping this information from him. He reminded them of the reward he had promised them of land and position. Doeg which means “fearful” stepped forward and confessed that he had seen David in Nob with Ahimelech, the priest. He had seen the priest pray for David and give him food and Goliath’s sword. Saul immediately sent for Ahimelech and refused to believe his confession of innocence. Saul commanded his men to kill Ahimelech and his priests but his men refused. Doeg volunteered and killed 65 priests and then went and killed their families. That is a lot of blood on one man’s hands because of his fear of Saul!
One of the priests, Abiathar escaped and told David. David told him to stay with him and he would keep him safe.
David learned that the Philistines were attacking Keliah and stealing their harvest. He went and defeated the Philistines for them and stayed there until they heard that Saul was on his way to fight him and destroy the city of Keith because of him. David called for Abiathar who inquired of the Lord. God said that the men of Keliah would turn him over to Saul so they left Keliah and escaped to the mountains in Ziph.
Saul didn’t attack Keliah so David saved them twice even though they were going to betray him.
Jonathan found David and told him not to fear, because David would indeed be the next king over Israel and he, Jonathan would be his right hand man. Even Saul knew this to be true. Jonathan and David made another covenant of friendship, then Jonathan left and went home.
The Ziphites came to Saul and told Saul where David was. Saul and his men had surrounded David’s hide-out, but God saved him. Saul got a message that was needed at home where the Philistines were attacking. (I would bet that Jonathan sent that message to save David.)
In John, Jesus explained the spiritual realm as being like a sheepfold. Many can come into that realm but those who don’t come through the door of Christ are thieves and robbers and work for money. They won’t protect their sheep because they are only merchants peddling wares. Their sheep are their customers, not their family. Jesus is the true shepherd who will not only lead his sheep but will protect them and lay down his life for them.
Lord, you are our stronghold and our defense. We trust in you as our great and loving Shepherd.

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