Friday, May 15, 2020

Fri.’s Devo - Walking By Faith

Read: 1 Samuel 17:1-18:4; John 8:21-30; Psalm 111:1-10; Proverbs 15:11
How many times have we heard the story about David and Goliath and it is still one of the most exciting stories to read. The Philistines were camped on one hill while the Israelites were camped on the other. Everyday was the same; the giant, Goliath came and challenged Israel to send out a person to fight him. King Saul was the giant of Israel. (Remember he was head and shoulders taller than any one.) But, King Saul was afraid.
David entered the scene and summed it up really quickly. He learned that the one who defeated Goliath would receive tax exemption for his whole family, be given Saul’s daughter in marriage and be given a huge reward. David went to Saul and told him that he would fight him using his past victories of killing lions and bears with his club to convince Saul. Saul had no other volunteer and something had to be done. After trying to give him his own armor so he would get some kind of glory from this if he actually succeeded, Saul let David go out with with no covering except his faith in God.
David apparently approached Goliath with this same club he had used with the lion and the bear because Goliath said, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with a stick?” Ironically, he didn’t use that stick at all. He used his sling which tells me he didn’t have a plan beforehand, just a lot of faith. He used his words. He told Goliath exactly what was going to happen. He was going to kill him, cut off his head and then kill his men and God was going to win this victory for Israel.
That was exactly what happened.
He met Jonathan that day, who you would think would be jealous of him and see him as a threat, but instead, Jonathan loved him. He made a pact with him and gave him his robe, his tunic, sword, bow and belt. He handed him the right to become the next king.
When we act in faith for God, he gives us the same authority and power that he gave Jesus. He gives us the right to become a son of God.
In John, Jesus refrained from cursing the ones who condemned him because God didn’t condemn them. He told them they would understand when he was lifted up on the cross. Life comes from death.
Lord, may our words proclaim what you want us to create on earth. May we be filled with faith and our mouth pour forth your will.

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