Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thurs.’s Devo - Possessing Our Land

Read: Joshua 13:1-14:15; Luke 18:1-17; Psalm 85:1-13; Proverbs 13:7-8
Joshua was growing old and had conquered much of the land but still had land yet to be taken. God named the people yet to be taken out and said that He would drive them out ahead of them. All they had to do was to include this land when he divided the land among the tribes.
Reuben and Gad and half of Manasseh received their land outside the land of Canaan and the other nine and half tribes received their land inside the promised land. Caleb asked for the land of Kadesh-barnea where Abraham and most of the patriarchs were buried because Moses had promised that land to him. Sadly, the land of Kadesh-barnea which became Hebron is now occupied by a mosque and no one that is not Muslim can enter it.
What we don’t occupy and continue to occupy will be taken by the enemy. One of those areas we have lost is the Sabbath. We need to take that back so we can experience rest.
In Luke, Jesus gave them a parable to teach them how to pray when they were dealing with an adversary. He taught them to go to the Father as the Just Judge and present their case. They should keep presenting it till they got the justice they were seeking.
Then he gave them a parable of who is accepted when they come before him. The sinner was accepted because he came humbly. The self-righteous was rejected because he came arrogantly.
Then he showed us how to come into the Kingdom of God where everything is ours. We come in like a child: boldly, humbly, faithfully, expectantly and joyfully. When we come in that way, God delights in blessing and touching us.
Lord, may we learn how to live in the Kingdom and be touched by you. May we possess our land and every promise you have given us.

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