Monday, April 6, 2020

Mon.’s Devo - Our Choice

Read: Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20; Luke 11:37-12:7; Psalm 78:1-31; Proverbs 12:19-20
Never has this covenant that God called Moses to make made more sense to me than today in the light of what is going on in our nation. God had Moses remind the people of all the wonderful things he had done to deliver them from a land of slavery and idolatry. They traveled through lands where they witnessed the idolatry and detestable worship of the inhabitants. He warned them that just because he had done all this for them, they should not think they are okay if they are still following the desires of their evil heart. God would not continue to bless them, but the curses that fell on their enemies would fall on them. They must not abandon the covenant that God has made with them.
We are accountable for the things that God reveals to us, not the things that are hidden. If we obey, we are blessed. If we rebel, we are cursed. The choice is ours. Repentance is always available to us, so we can change our curse and turn it to a blessing. Rebellion is always our choice also which will change our blessing to a curse.
The command God gave them and gives us is not too difficult or beyond our reach. We can hear it and obey it. The choice of life and death is ours. We can choose to love and obey the Lord and live long in the land the Lord gave to us and our ancestors which is what we choose.
In Luke, Jesus went off on the Pharisees when they criticized him for not following their man-made washing ritual. Jesus gave them a list of their Pharisaical practices that were doing to make themselves look righteous when their hearts were full of death and self. Their forefathers had killed the prophets that God sent, while they raised monuments to honor them. In the same breath, they were rejecting The Prophet that God sent that all the other prophets had spoken about. They would be held responsible for what their fathers did from Abel to Zechariah. (From A - Z).
In our Psalm it says that “his anger rose against Israel, for they did not believe God or trust him to care for them.” We do not want that to be our epitaph in this season. We want it to be that we trusted in the Lord and he delivered us from all our fears.
Lord, we trust you in these times of uncertainty because they are not uncertain to you. We stand on the Rock of all Ages and declare your sovereignty over the earth and our deliverer! Help us to use what the devil meant for harm to bring many souls into your kingdom.

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