Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Wed.’s Devo - Our Inheritance

HAPPY 2020!
Prophecy is a wonderful thing. Last year my word was “clarity” and boy did God clarify some things in my life and in the world! I saw some prayers that I had been praying for for years manifest on the earth. I have been praying into next year and had a dream the other night that I think sums up what is coming to the Body of Christ.
I dreamed that an enemy entity had killed everyone but this small group of people I was a part of. We were in a house with a young couple who were worldly prosperous and I thought friendly. I copied something off the wife’s computer. Next thing I knew we were running across an open field to get away from the enemy. I heard silenced guns hitting the ones I was with and they all went down. I went down too but didn’t feel pain. The young couple came to assess the damages and I realized they had shot us.
As I lay on the ground, I realized they couldn’t kill me - I was supernatural! But, when I breathed in I sounded asthmatic so I knew I needed to get to a hospital.
Next scene, I’m in the kitchen of their house washing my hands. The man peeked in and stared at me, wondering why I am still alive. I said, “I can’t believe all this is over an inheritance.” He laughed nervously and left. I knew he was going upstairs to get his gun to finish me off. I had my phone and my keys in my hand and ran out the back door to get in my car and drive myself to the hospital before he could return.
The interpretation is that we hear so much about our identity in Christ but I rarely hear anyone say that we are supernatural. The enemy is afraid of us knowing our inheritance and what Jesus bought for us on Calvary. He is out to steal our voice on the earth. Until we realize that we are to do the same things that Jesus did and more, we won’t do them. But when we realize that is our inheritance, we will go for it. We need to go to God’s hospital and get healed. Whatever our insecurities or fears are, we need to let the Holy Spirit heal them so we can be whole and function with 100% of our God-given capacity.
My word for the next year is “inheritance”.

Read: Genesis 1:1-2:25; Matthew 1:1-2:12; Psalm 1:1-6; Proverbs 1:1-6
Genesis is the most doctrine-packed book in the Bible. We could spend hours on the first chapter but can’t so I’ll share something I had never seen before. God does everything in “three’s”. He is Father, son and Holy Spirit. We are body, soul and spirit. The earth is made of three components: earth, water and air. Everything God created for the earth came from the earth like the animals and vegetation that the earth produced. The water produced the living creatures. The sky produced the birds, the sun moon and stars.
God even made man out of the dirt of the earth.
When God made the trees, they bore fruit with seed in it to bear more. God created man and women told him to be fruitful and multiply because they were like the trees with seed in them to bear fruit.
Then God took one man and put him in a garden and set him aside to be the type of Jesus. He appointed him to name the animals so he would notice that he didn’t have a mate. When he did, God caused him to go to sleep and took Eve out of the bone in his side. She was the type of the Church. She was the fruit of his labor and all the seed he had scattered. She came out of him. We were chosen before the foundation of the earth to be in Christ. We are not born of the earth but of the spirit of God. We have the same advantage that Jesus had. We are half human/half God. When we became Christians the half God part is birthed out of us. Now, that is the part that takes over - the old man is crucified with Christ.
In Matthew we see how much the devil did not want Jesus to be manifested on the earth. That is the same objection he has to us being manifested on the earth. We are no threat to him as long as we stay in our churches and remain quiet, but when we know how supernatural we are and what our mission is on this earth, we become a great threat to his kingdom. Jesus was the greatest threat to his kingdom and he defeated Satan and won, so we can too.
Lord, may we grow in our knowledge of who we are in You and become a threat to your enemies and an asset to your kingdom.

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