Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thurs.’s Devo - God’s Perfect Timing

Read: Genesis 20:1-22:24; Matthew 7:15-29; Psalm 9:1-12a; Proverbs 2:16-22
Abraham traveled to Gerar where Abimelech was the king. Abraham had told Sarah to tell everyone that she was his sister just like he did in Chapter 12. You would think that Abraham’s faith would have grown to trust God, but instead, he let fear cause him to lie. She did what Abraham told her and was taken into the royal harem at the age of 90!
God came to Abimelech in a dream and they had a conversation about Sarah. Abimelech feared and loved God and had innocently taken Sarah. God saved him and Sarah. Abraham was severely rebuked when the king woke up and returned Sarah to him. I don’t know how long Sarah was in his harem but God had closed the wombs of everyone in the palace while she was there. Abraham prayed for them to be fruitful and their wombs opened. It must have leaked out to Sarah because as soon as they left there, Sarah got pregnant. Actually, it was the set time for Isaac to be born. Abraham was 100 years old. Ishmael and Hagar were cast out but promised to become a great nation because he was of Abraham’s blood.
Then, Abraham was tested to the max. He was told to sacrifice Isaac. Isaac was the obedient servant who allowed his father to tie him down to the altar trusting his father’s love. Isaac was the picture of Jesus who endured the cross for our sins.
God stopped Abraham in the knick of time and provided a ram for the sacrifice and restored Isaac to him. Then God called from heaven and renewed his covenant with him. His descendants would be as the stars in the sky and the sands on the seashore. They would rule over their enemies and be a blessing to the earth.
Abraham was brought news that his brother Nahor had twelve sons.
Matthew warns us many times about false prophets. He gives us a clue about how to recognize them. You will know them by their fruits. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace,
long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. False prophets will not have these fruit. They are from a different root that cannot produce these fruit. They also won’t teach with authority like Jesus did.
Lord, may we trust you when we face the fear of the unknown because there is nothing unknown to you. Thank you for your wonderful promises. May we not get weary in waiting.

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