Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wed.’s Devo - Moses Dies and Joshua Leads

Read: Deuteronomy 14:1-Joshua 2:24; Luke 13:22-14:6; Psalm 79:1-13; Proverbs 12:26
Three times it tells us that Moses died at 120 years of age. Every number in the Bible is significant. Moses was given the law on the first official Pentecost and there were 120 followers in the upper room when the Holy Spirit fell on them on the fulfillment of Pentecost in Acts.
Moses’ eyes hadn’t weakened or his natural strength diminished when God took him. Jude 9 tells us that the archangel, Michael contended with the devil over the body of Moses. We know that Michael won because we see his body reappear on the Mt. of Transfiguration in Matthew 17:2. There has never been a prophet like Moses who talked to God face to face.
God told Joshua it was time to step up and lead the people into the promised land. He reminded them of their borders and told him to be strong and courageous. He would be with him just like he was with Moses. That is our promise. We can remind ourselves that God is with us the same way he was with our greatest hero of the faith. God pours himself out without measure.
Joshua told the people to prepare provisions, because in three days they were going to cross the Jordan. He secretly sent out two men to spy out the land. He probably remembered that Moses sent out 12 and only two, himself one of them, came back with a good report, so he wasn’t going to take the chance of that. He sent only two! They went to stay at the house of Rehab the harlot. She told them of the fear her people had about them. She hid them and kept them from being arrested and killed. For payment she asked that her household be saved when they came and took the city. The spies agreed if she would use the same scarlet thread that they escaped on to hang outside her window they would be saved. She told the men to hide in the field for three days. The spies returned with their good news on the very day Joshua told the people to be ready to move.
In Luke, Jesus was asked if only a few would be saved. He said that the way was narrow and once the door was shut, no one would be able to get in even though they would beat on the door. This reminds me of Noah and the people of his day. They didn’t want to have anything to do with him while he was building the ark but once the storm came down, they all wanted in. It was too late and the door was shut.
Jesus said that the people would be surprised at the ones who God saved and promoted in his kingdom. The Pharisees didn’t like the sound of that because they did everything to let the people know how holy they were and how they would have the most important places in heaven.
The Pharisees tried to drive Jesus out of their town with threats of what Herod would do to him. Jesus couldn’t be intimidated but he was leaving because he had to die in Jerusalem where they killed all the other prophets.
Lord, your plan has been established from the beginning of time and all our days have been appointed. What do we have to be afraid of! You are in control!

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