Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thur’s Devo - Prepare

Read: Judges 4:1-5:31; Luke 22:35-53; Psalm 94:1-23; Proverbs 14:3-4
When Ehud died, Israel went back to their sinning. God handed them over to Jabin who was a Canaanite who cruelly oppressed the Israelites for 20 years until they cried out to God for mercy. Deborah was the judge and a prophetess in Israel. She would listen to the people’s disputes under a palm tree. She sent for Barak to lead the army of Israel. He told her he wouldn’t go unless she went with him. Deborah told him that since he couldn’t trust God for himself, he would not get the victory but it would go to a woman.
He did go and defeat the whole army except for their commander, Sisera who got away. He ended up at the tent of a woman, Jael he thought was on his side. God caused him to fall into a deep sleep. Jael took a tent peg and drove it into his head and got the victory of the whole battle. I call that being more than a conqueror! Jabin did all the hard work and she did one thing and got the glory. A song was sung to honor God and what he did through Jael. It says that the stars from heaven fought against Sisera.
Everything was about to change for the disciples and Jesus was getting them ready for the change. It had been easy for them to travel without persecution but Jesus knew that after his crucifixion things were going to get worse. If they kill the shepherd then the sheep will be unprotected until the Holy Spirit was given. The disciples didn’t seem to be ready for what was about to happen - they couldn’t even stay awake and pray one hour with Jesus. Judas showed up and betrayed Jesus with a kiss and the ball started rolling. It was the hour of darkness.
Lord, prepare us for what is coming. I know we are headed for a time of great miracles and a great move of your spirit but the devil is not going to stand idly by and watch it. Prepare us to walk with courage and power.

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