Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sun.’s Devo - Why Do We Have Trials

Read: Job 20:1-22:30; 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Psalm 40:11-17; Proverbs 22:2-4
Zohar has been dishonored by Job and now feels compelled to stand up for himself. He explains how the wicked always fall in the end. The wicked will one day pay for all his injustice and unfair dealings. If he doesn’t pay in his lifetime then his children will have to pay for their father’s sins. He is implying that this is what has happened to Job: his sins have caught up with him.
Job counters that their mockery isn’t true. Sometimes the wicked never pay for their sins on earth and don’t care what will happen to their children when they die. Job concludes that the fate of man whether he is good or bad is in the hands of the Lord.
Eliphaz argues that God would never punish Job if he didn’t have something to punish him for. He accuses Job of abusing or neglecting the poor. He tells Job to submit himself to God and repent of his unrighteousness and God will restore him.
How differently Paul encourages his leaders who are going through hard times. He tells them to praise the God who comforts all who are in trouble. He tells them to give out that same comfort to those they know who are suffering. Sufferings cause us to have patience and endurance. We can be sure that Jesus shares in our sufferings and our comfort which gives us hope for God’s deliverance.
Lord, remind us that humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life. Thank you for the trials that come to us to make up perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

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