Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sat.’s Devo - Queen Esther

Read: Esther 1:1-3:15; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34; Psalm 35:17-28; Proverbs 21:19-20
The book of Esther happened during the time of Ezra. Artexerses is believed to have been King Zerxes 1 who succeeded Darius 1 who ruled in 485 B.C. The Jews were just being allowed to return to their home land which stirred up the devil to fight against them using a man named Haman.
God had a plan to use Esther to stand for her nation and went about it in a most unusual way. Artexerses was used by his own officials to proclaim the husband was to rule over his wife when Artexerses wife refused to come to his drunken brawl. They weren’t looking after the king, but after their own hides. They knew that whatever happened in the kingdom would happen in their homes and if Vashti got away with refusing his unreasonable request then their wives would turn it on them. God used all of it to get Esther to the kingdom where she needed to be to save her people.
In the meantime, Mordecai uncovered a plot to assassinate the king and told it to Esther. She told it to the king and gave Mordecai the credit. It was all recorded for future use.
This reminds me of all the things we do that we doesn’t get acknowledged at the time. God has it all written down in his books and it will be rewarded at the right time.
Mordecai refused to bow before Haman which caused a chain reaction and put every Jew in the province in jeopardy. What the devil meant for harm, God meant for their good.
In First Corinthians, God said that their meetings did more harm than good. That is a sad thing to say about church. They had become selfish and without love for one another. Some were overindulging while others were starving. He reminded them of the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples. They were to examine their motives because the bread stood for the body of Christ and the blood stood for his blood.
Lord, help us to see the bigger picture in our lives and that everything we do is meaningful. Help us to live by love.

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