Thursday, July 12, 2018

Thurs.’s Devo - Your Kingdom Come

Read: 1 Chronicles 12:19-14:17; Romans 1:1-17; Psalm 9:13-20; Proverbs 19:4-5
Chronicles is the just what the name says: it is the chronicles of the kings. It recaps 1 and 2nd Kings. Since we have already talked about the story, I’d like to point out some hidden treasures. One is found in 12:22 which says that David had a great army, like the army of God. It then goes on to describe David’s men which give us a picture of the members of God’s army. They carry shields and spears for battle. We know that the shield is faith and the spear is the Word of God according to Ephesians 6. They are brave and are designated by name with one goal and that is to make Jesus king. They understand the times and know what we as God’s children should do. They are experienced in war and prepared with every type of weapon. They fight for Jesus with undivided loyalty.
We are living in the kingdom age where this army is very significant for us to know about. Our mission is to fulfill Jesus’ prayer that his kingdom come to earth like it is in heaven. This is that time. Our goal should be to make Jesus king over the earth. We do that with the help of his army.
David’s first goal was to bring the ark back to Jerusalem. He ran into a temporary set back when he didn’t understand what the Word had said about carrying the ark. The Levites were to carry it on poles instead of a cart.
The first thing we have to do in this new kingdom age is to bring the presence of the Lord back into the church. It is not done with programs and gimmicks but with true praise and worship. Then God will bless our households and all we have.
Going back to the army of God… when the Philistines found out David had been made king, they came in full force to find him. They were fine with him as long as he lived among them and fought with them but not as Israel’s king. God told David to circle his men around the back of the Philistine army and as soon as they heard marching in the tops of the balsam trees they could move out. That sound would be their sign that God’s army had gone before them.
Locust gather in the tops of balsam trees and make the sound of marching. God created nature to respond to his command. They gave the sign and I’m sure the sound of the locusts marching put fear in the hearts of the Philistines. God’s army fought in front and David’s in the rear. That is always the way we want to fight the enemy.
Today we start Romans which was written by Paul before he got to Rome. It is to teach us about the righteousness of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This was so contrary to the Jewish religion that was based on following the law to the letter and making sacrifices to atone for their own sin. They were used to works to make themselves clean, but Paul was teaching them that Jesus was the power of God that leads to right standing with God. It was the only way to be righteous. This took major shifting of their theology which was why it was so much easier for the Gentile to accept. They didn’t have to undo generations of tradition like the Jews did. Salvation was definitely a test of faith.
Lord, help us to use your army in our lives and make you king over our lives. We want to bring your kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. Show us how to do that.

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