Thursday, July 19, 2018

Thurs.’s Devo - The Plan

Read: 1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30; Romans 5:6-21; Psalm 15:1-5; Proverbs 19:18-19
When David had an official meeting it was a convention. He called together all his tribal officers and the commanders of the divisions of those tribes, the
commanders of hundreds and those that were in charge of the property, the livestock, the palace officials, the mighty men and all the brave warriors. These are the men he had entrusted his goods and safety to and now he was giving them his heart for the future.
It had always been David’s heart to build God a magnificent house to place the ark. Because he had been a warrior and shed blood, God told him he was not the one to build this house. God had raised up his son Solomon, among all his many sons to become the king and build his house on earth. God wasn’t rebuking David but David’s kingdom was a kingdom representing the time of spiritual warfare. Solomon’s kingdom was to represent the kingdom of peace. This is the rest that Hebrews says we should labor to enter into. We can live in Solomon’s kingdom now by totally trusting the Lord and walking in peace and rest.
David commissioned Solomon to acknowledge the Lord and serve him with whole hearted devotion and purpose. He reminded him that God searches every heart and understands every motive behind our thoughts. If we seek him, he will make himself known to us but if we don’t he will reject us. God has commissioned us to build a house for him in our bodies so that he may dwell with us and be glorified through us.
David gave Solomon the blueprints and all the supplies he would need to do everything on the plans. The last thing he told him was to be strong and courageous and do the work fearlessly. God would never forsake him or fail him. This is the same thing he says to us. We were born with a blueprint printed to our DNA and it is our destiny. God has given us everything we need to do everything on the plan but we have to be strong and courageous and trust God. Faith is the fuel that drives our destiny.
In Romans, Paul reiterates over and over the fact that through Adam, sin and death entered the world. He was the first Adam which means “man”. The second Adam was Jesus. He was the new man and through him we receive eternal life. He conquered death and sin on the cross and put it out of our lives forever. All we have to do is put our trust in him and acknowledge him as our Savior. The law just made us aware of sin.
Our Psalm gives us a reason for walking in integrity and in holiness. When we do, the guilt of sin has no power over us and we will not be shaken.
Lord, help us to walk in the blueprints you have for us.

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