Monday, June 4, 2018

Mon.’s Devo - The Baptism of Fire

Read: 2 Samuel 22:21-23:23; Acts 2:1-47; Proverbs 122:1-9; Proverbs 16:19-20
David gave his people a song about the Lord’s faithfulness. God had done what he promised to do for David. He had made him king and helped him secure his kingdom and blessed the land.
God gave them rest from their enemies with the help of David’s mighty warriors. David had his three mighty men just like Jesus had his three that were his closest: Peter, James and John. David’s were Josheb-Basshebeth, Eleazar, and Shammah. Their amazing feats were listed. Then he had thirty other mighty men that did fearless exploits for the kingdom.
In Acts, Pentecost arrived along with the Holy Spirit. He came like a mighty wind, putting fire on the heads of the disciples. This was the baptism that Jesus brought. John the Baptist baptized with water for repentance but Jesus baptized with fire. This was his baptism. Just like on the first Pentecost when Moses went up on the mountain of the Lord and it had fire on top, the disciples became the mountain that housed the spirit of the Lord. The fire of the presence of the Lord was now in the bodies of the disciples and would remain just like the dove remained on Jesus when he was baptized.
Peter, who had been hiding in the upper room for days, now had boldness to come out to the streets and boldly proclaim the good news about Jesus and his salvation. That is one of the things that the Holy Spirit does; he gives us boldness to be witnesses.
Three thousand souls were saved that day and devoted themselves to hearing the teaching of the apostles. They ate and fellowshipped and became a family of believers, taking care of one another’s needs.
Lord, we need your baptism of fire in our hearts so that we can boldly proclaim your good news.

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