Friday, June 1, 2018

Fri.’s Devo -A New Thing

Read: 2 Samuel 18:1-19:10; John 20:1-31; Psalm 119:153-176; Proverbs 16:14-15
David had such a hard time seeing his own son as his enemy. Joab knew that as long as Absalom was alive, David’s kingdom would not be secure. David wanted to preserve Absalom and repair their relationship but Joab knew what Absalom was capable of. Absalom had erected a monument to himself in the Kings Valley because he had no son to carry his memory. He was the epitome of pride and arrogance.
God delivered Absalom into Joab’s hands and he did what he thought needed to be done.
David’s reaction to his son’s death was hurtful to his men who had sacrificed their lives to fight for him. Joab had to shake him out of his grief and make him wake up to reality. He did and David did meet with his men.
We all face hard decisions and deaths to things that need to die. It is easy to mourn for what we had and not see the blessing in the new thing God is doing. Old ways of doing things sometimes need to die to let new ones spring forth.
God was definitely doing a new thing in John. It was the third day after Jesus had died and the only one who came to the tomb was Mary Magdalene. She saw that the stone had been removed and ran to get Peter and John. They found the strips of linen that Jesus had been wrapped in lying there. The cloth that had been around Jesus’ head was folded up by itself. They didn’t understand that Jesus had risen even though he had told them several times he would rise on the third day.
Peter and John went home but Mary stayed and cried. When she looked into the tomb she saw two angels seated where Jesus body had been. They asked her why she was crying. She answered them then turned to see Jesus standing in the garden. She didn’t recognize her till he said her name and then she knew.
He told her to tell the disciples.
That night as the disciples were hiding out and discussing all that had happened. Thomas said that unless he saw it for himself, he wouldn’t believe. A week later, he got his chance. Jesus showed up and showed Thomas. It wasn’t a rebuke as much as it was to show Thomas that He was eternal and knew everything Thomas asked for and would be just that close even though he was leaving again.
God wants to reveal himself to all of us if we will ask him to. When we have doubts, we need to ask God to give us a sign of his presence. He loves to encourage us so that we will be strengthened and encourage others.
Lord, help us to see your signs all around us of your presence in our lives. Send us a personal wink from heaven today.

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