Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thurs.’s Devo -God’s Way -

Read: Judges 17:1-18:31; John 3:1-21; Psalm 104:1-23; Proverbs 14:20-21
The stories in Judges show us what man does when there is no godly standard. They do whatever they think is right and it doesn’t end well for them. Micah stole money from his own mother, and when he heard the curse she put on whoever stole it, he confessed. Instead of disciplining him, she gave it back to him to have an image and an idol cast from it, breaking two of the ten commandments. They added it to their shrine of other idols.
To make things even worse, they hired a young Levite to be their priest and thought this would bring the blessing of the Lord on their household. The Danites, who had never taken the land of their inheritance came through and took all the idols and the priest. They were going to take them back for themselves. They took the next city and used these idols as their gods. Dan’s tribe was so idolatrous that God didn’t mention it in Revelation 7 when it named the tribes that were sealed.
In John, Nicodemus, a member of the Pharisees came to Jesus at night. He was one of the few of the Pharisees that truly had a heart to understand. He recognized that no one could do the things that Jesus did except by the power of God. Jesus told him that the only way he would be able to see the kingdom of God was if he was born again. Nicodemus didn’t understand being born again but Jesus explained that first we are born in water in our mothers womb, but then we have to be born of the spirit. He went on to explain that God sent him as his son to save the world because he loved the world. The only way to be born again is to believe in God and his son.
Lord, help us to live according to your ways and not our own because your way is always higher.

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