Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sat.’s Devo. - Choices

Read: 2 Samuel 9:1-11:27; John 15:1-27; Psalm 119:49-64; Proverbs 16:1-3
In one reading we see the kindness and compassion of David and the man who will murder to cover his sins. He seeks out anyone from Saul’s family that he can honor and finds Ziba, a servant of Saul’s and Mephibosheth, a crippled son of Jonathan’s. He gives all of Saul’s personal house to Mephibosheth and puts Ziba’s family in charge of it so both are well cared for. Mephibosheth is to eat every meal at the kings’ table which was not only the best food but the highest honor.
David protects his men when they are humiliated by the Ammonite army but then in the spring when kings were suppose to be off to war, David decides to stay home. David was a warrior and that was his calling. He decided not to take up the charge and let his guard down. This lead to lust, which led to adultery, which led to an unwanted pregnancy, which led to murder to cover up. In the end the child would also die.
If we would only live with the future in mind instead of the present. The present says, “I want that” or “I need that”. But if we look ahead to the consequence of that action we might decide that maybe, “I don’t need that”, or I really don’t want that”. It would certainly cause us to reflect and give us time to change our minds.
Jesus talked about two vines. His is the true vine and the branches on his vine were tended by God. If we remain attached to the vine then we will bear fruit and do the things that Jesus did, but if we don’t remain in him then we will be like the branch that is thrown away and withers. Our lives will not be worth keeping and we will die. We are to always be bearing fruit.
Lord, may we be trees of righteousness planted by the river of living water and may our leaves not die or wither and may whatever we do prosper for your kingdom.

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