Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tues.’s Devo - Our Mediator

Read: Job 31:1-33:33: 2 Corinthians 3:1-18; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 22:8-9
Job continued to examine his life and defend his righteousness. He had always reached out to those who needed help or a place to stay. He challenged his accusers to put their complaints in writing and to back them up with facts. Job’s friends stopped their speeches because they were out of words. When Elihu saw that they were not going to say any more he decided it was his turn since he was about to bust to give his opinion. He rebuked Job’s friends for not being able to solve Job’s dilemma.
He does say some interesting things about dreams. He says that many times dreams are warnings to turn man from sin. He explains that sometimes God uses pain to chastise people. He despaired that God needed to send an advocate to mediate between heaven and earth. This mediator could tell men what was right and be gracious to him and spare him from hell. This mediator would give new life and restore men’s youth. Then men would be able to say, ‘even though I have sinned, I did not get what I deserved.’ He restored my life from hell. Little did Elihu know he was prophesying about Jesus, our Mediator.
Paul explains that it is not education or a committee of people who determine who is qualified to minister, it is the Spirit who has written his words on our heart and ordained us to minister his Word. This light that God has put in us is not something we have to hide but something we need to share. It reflects the glory of God and sets people free.
Lord, may we be transformed into your likeness and ever increasing in your glory.

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