Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tues.’s Devo - Truth or Lies

Read: 1 Kings 22:1-53; Acts 13:16-41; Psalm 138:1-8; Proverbs 17:17-18
It has been three years since Ahab let Ben-hadad out of his clutches. He came back to wage war on Israel so Ahab, went to ask help from the king of Judah. Jehoshaphat was the king of Judah. He wanted to ask the Lord if they would win before he committed. The king of Israel gathered his 400 false prophets together who all prophesied that Israel would win. As the two of the kings sat together on their throne listening and watching the false prophets do their thing, the king of Judah asked the king of Israel if he had any prophet of God in his kingdom. He did, but the king didn’t like him because he never told him anything good. When he called the prophet, Micaiah, to require of the Lord, Micaiah told him what he wanted to hear. The king knew he was being sarcastic so he made him tell him the truth. Micaiah told him that he needed to turn around and go home because they would be defeated and that God had sent a lying spirit to deceived his prophets. The false prophet was so mad he slapped Micaiah in the face. Micaiah told him that he would see he was right when he went into his inner chamber to hide himself. This got Micaiah thrown into prison.
So, the two kings ignored God’s warning and went out to battle. Ahab disguised himself as a regular soldier. The Syrian king had told all his men to only kill the king of Israel. One of the soldiers rode up beside the chariot that the king was in but realized it wasn’t the king so he stopped following him. I’m sure, Ahab thought he had tricked him and was safe, but God’s Word never fails. A Syrian soldier shot a random arrow. God directed that arrow straight to the one chink in Ahab’s armor. He was killed and Israel scattered according to what was prophesied. Ahab was buried in Samaria and his son, Ahaziah took his place. He followed the wickedness of his father.
In Judah, Jehoshaphat finally died and his son, Jehoram took his place. Jehoshaphat had followed the righteousness of his father and both were good kings in God’s eyes.
In Acts, Paul was in Antioch preaching to Gentiles and Jews. He realized that they needed a Jewish history lesson to be able to realize who Jesus was. He plainly spells out the gospel to them.
Lord, help us to listen to what God says and obey.

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