Monday, May 8, 2017

Mon.’s Devo - The New Order

Read: 1 Samuel 2:22-4:22; John 5:24-47; Psalm 106:1-12; Proverbs 14:30-31
Eli heard rumors of all the wicked things his sons did and tried to warn them they were sinning against God who would punish them. But Eli continued to let them serve as priests and didn’t command them to stop what they were doing. God sent Eli a prophet to rebuke him. He told him that since Eli honored his sons over God, then every one of his descendants would die in the prime of their life. God would raise up someone else who would be faithful to him and have God’s heart and mind. This person was growing up in his house.
Samuel had not learned to hear God’s voice so when God called him, he thought it was Eli. It took three times before Eli realized it was God speaking to Samuel. God told Samuel what would happen to Eli and his family and that there was no atonement left for the house of Eli.
As Samuel grew in the Lord, the people recognized him as a prophet and Samuel taught the people from what God told him. The Philistines came to conquer the Israelites. They killed both of Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas and took the ark of the covenant. By this time Eli was 98 years old and his natural eyes were as weak as his spiritual eyes. He was told that both his sons had died and the ark was taken. When he heard the ark was taken he fell back and died. Phineas’s wife was pregnant and went into labor. The labor was so hard, she died but not before she could name her son, Ichabod. Phineas means “mouth of pity” and Ichabod means “woe, the glory”. The glory had departed from Israel.
In John, Jesus talked about eternal life and his second coming. At that time, all the dead will rise from their graves and go to judgment. Some will enter into life and some will be condemned. Jesus explained that John testified of him but Jesus’ testimony was even greater than John’s. Jesus’ miracles were the proof that he came from God. Then Jesus rebuked the leaders and told them that they diligently studied the scripture but they didn’t understand them because if they did, they would realize they spoke of Jesus. They didn’t have the love of God in their hearts which made them blind to the truth.
Both Eli and the priests of the New Testament were blind to the truth. They were so caught up in their traditions, they couldn’t see the new thing God was bringing to the world. God is bringing a new order to the world today. He wants the church to rise up and do the works that Jesus did and not be afraid of the devil and his threats. We are to rule and reign on this earth as kings and priests of the Most High God.
Lord, help us to be bold and courageous for You!

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